When I first started exploring crystals, I remember wondering whether Black people used them. Most of the places I found them were not in Black neighborhoods and I hadn't seen people wearing them. There were so many to choose from in all different colors. How on earth was I to figure them out, it felt I had to have a shamanic guru step out of a cloud to help me figure it out.All questions were answered when coming across "Rocks of Ages Anu edition by Ras Ben. Thankfully one of my suppliers had already delved into the topic and he recommended a book right away. And the rest is history. In what I believe is the first book written exclusively on the topic by an African American author, I was surprised to find the deep roots that Africans and African Americans have with the use of crystals. The topics covered in "Rocks of Ages" Anu Edition directly bring into focus the traditions we had in Africa using crystals and contrasted them to the bracelets, rings and waist beads we are using today. So the answer is a resounding YES, crystals are for Black people and there are literally mountains of it located in Africa. The crystal quartz was was my first attempt at trying to investigate whether I even felt anything after wearing one as a necklace. I recall thinking how ridiculous I must sound when trying to explain that from a rock, I would feel some kind of energy. A rock, a cold rigidly shaped stone that could be found on the beach. How was a rock supposed to do anything, wasn't it just dead anyway? I ended up just humoring myself and resigning myself to the fact that the necklace was nice looking and that would be my booby consolation prize. I didn't announce it to anyone, just started wearing it. After a few days I did I did start noticing something. It wasn't an audible buzz, nor a physically noticeable sensation. Instead it was just an ability to think clearly regarding my goals for the day. It "seemed" that while I was usualy good at talking myself out of things and getting distracted easily, I was kind of sailing through things without effort of battline my inner self trying to reiterate the importance of doing the task. It was as if I was just able to march forward with added bonus of efficientcy and eagerness to continue.. it was unbelievable... I began to dig deeper, try other crystals. and research. "Rocks of Ages" originally came out in 2008, then a new edition came out That revealed the most incredible information. Here are a few highlights I found extremely intriguing :
1. Does Africa Have Crystals?The highest sought after piece of crystal today is called "coltan," and it is found in great abundance in Africa. Coltan is used in many electronic instruments including most notably mobile cell phones. According to a 2013 report shown in Wikepedia, 61% of the the coltan mined in the world is being done in Africa. Once of the highest areas of conflict has taken place in and around an area called the Crystal Mountains of the Congo area. "Rocks of Ages" gives a history of the area regarding the Ba'Kongo . As has been documented repeatedly regarding the invasion strategy of foreigners into Africa, The native inhabitants of The Congo area were subject to religious destabilization through Roman Catholic missionaries conversion tactics, raids from imprisoned criminals who were granted freedom in an island off the coast of Africa and ,, inciting of inner conflict between tribes. The final phase in this 4 pronged approach resulted in capturing people and exporting into the slave trade. This process is documented well in books like, "How Europe Underdeveloped Africa." What was so exciting to me about the contents of this book is the link the author makes between the use of crystals by the Ba'kongo people and the use of crystals by our enslaved Ancestors. He makes reference of an important document about the excavation of the Carroll "house" (plantation? the question is from the author of this post) originally owned by one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence named Charles Carroll. The excavation found that a certain part of the property housed our enslaved Ancestors. It was in this area that a decorated bowl and crystals were found in a corner of the cabin. This is a direct link. Ras Ben details the many spiritual practices that utilize crystals. To point to the archeological evidence that links the African diaspora across the seas in significant and for this, the author deserves high accolades. How often do we hear about the differences between Africans on the continent and those in America. It is another divide and conquer tactic that honestly has worked in the past. When we come across indisputable evidence otherwise, it is my hope that it gets even more exposure. 2. Crystals mentioned in the BibleThe author starts with Ethiopia, the birthplace of humanity. How appropriate. A family member sponsored my visit to Ethiopia in 1998 and it was life changing. The hills, valleys and landscape seemed to be the source of The Original Paradise. The foliage was a lush green color that seemed closer to neon when the sunlight danced across the glowing leaves. And the people were created with the sweetness from the fruits of the earth. The story of the Queen of Sheba and King Solomon are told in pictures on many a tapestry I saw there. The connection to crystals is in the description of the Ark of the Covenant whose Solomonic heritage is told in The Kebra Negast. The Ethiopian Priests have gone on record to say that it is Gold plated with Jasper and topaz and that it resides in their homeland. There is much more to this story than we will discuss here, but I encourage you to read, google, and find as much Primary resource information as possible to come to your own conclusions, or as the author of "Rocks of Ages" puts it, "follow your vibe." 3. Crystals and MelaninIt is interesting how alcohol, drugs and other addictive chemicals are reported to have a unique and more detrimental affect in the Black body. This is due in part to the amount of melanin in our skin and in our bodies. Melanin is our most distinguishing visible characteristic as a people . "Rocks of Ages" discusses the chemical structure of melanin and why it bonds so well to chemicals. I was intrigued by his chapter called, "Principles for Synergizing Melanin and Sacred Stones" because it seems that for once, maybe we could leverage melanin in our favor, rather than to our destruction. He discusses, for example, the use of copper. The presence of copper in the melanin molecule "vibes" or is in a resonant affinity frequency-wise with the copper found in jewelry. I've met many people who claim that wearing a copper bracelet helped them with arthritis. It is interesting to understand the science behind these claims. It is clear something is happening in the skin because I for one have noticed my skin start to turn green if I wear a copper ring too long. Ras Ben has done a thorough job of research, reporting and sharing his personal reasonings in this great reference on crystals. The last part lists over 20 crystals and their healing properties. The author stops short of giving specific instructions on how to use the crystals because he says that would defeat the purpose of the gift the crystals bring into your life. It is in the journey that the true knowledge is attained. It is in the intuition and inner guidance that he says are the greatest gift, and this is unique to each person. I personally appreciate the arthritis statement of empowerment to each person. Instead of positioning himself as the sole interpreter of these natural elements, he shares the love with everyone who choose to partake. "Prince" and crystalsAfter reviewing his chapter on the Dogon, Ras Ben brings new light to the lyrics of the song, "Purple Rain." Perhaps this is the reason behind his use of the color purple on the cover. To leave so intrigue for the reader, you've got to check into what is behind is theory on what causes this phenomenon he calls, "Purple Rain." In part, he talks about how the Dogon people are famous for being able to predict celestial events prior to the use of microscopes. There's a book called, "Conversations with Ogotemmeli by Marcel Griaule that reveals this knowledge through interviews with some of the elders in the community. Scientists to this day are not able to understand or explain how the Dogon people who live in the highest cliffs of Africa have this level of detailed astronomical knowledge. Ras Ben offers a line of reasoning worthy of consideration and connects their deep spiritual understanding to their cosmology. If you are at all curious, "Rocks of Ages" provides a feast for the eyes to read. By pulling all of these diverse pieces of information about crystals together, "Rocks of Ages" provides a comprehensive look into why many Black people are naturally drawn to crystals. In his diagram (above), I appreciate the inclusion of "Elementals/Nature Spirits" for consideration because there has always seemed to be a healing energy-vibe that is gained when walking out in nature. We are all connected, and this depiction makes alot of sense to me.
I do hope you will consider delving further and read "Rocks of Ages" by Ras Ben book for yourself. He even addresses the recent alignment between Saturn and Jupiter, 13 years before it occured. It is filled with tables and images to further explain more detailed points. I have merely scratched the surface of this deep-space read. Comments are closed.