Writing in a journal can seem like a daunting task. When my 6th grade teacher first gave us the assignment, I was nervous and confused about what I should put in it. Decades later, I've kept up the assignment inspired from the benefits experienced like: clarity, mental health, finding my voice and just the peaceful way it starts off my days. 5 things to help you get started writing in your journal:
3. Write the first thing that comes to your mind in the morning. Even if it seems like nonsense or unrelated to anything that you are currently working on, anything is worth acknowledging. Then you can continue to explain you best guess of why it came to mind, or you can explain why it may be related to something or someone else. 4. Doodling is an art form that can be used to help stir up ideas, or just to let off steam. This too qualifies as a valid journal entry. 5. Express yourself in whatever language - broken English or otherwise you choose. It's not being graded, it's not up for anyone's approval, it is just for you. There is no right or wrong, it is simply your thoughts. It is not a facebook post or 280 character tweet. Feel safe to say it how you feel it and make the length as long as you wish. Bonus Ideas
Things to Write in a JournalDid you know how incredibly special and unique you are? There is no one else in the galaxy just like you. That's worth writing about in and of itself. The journey of self-discovery can take a lifetime. The African saying "Know Thyself" should be taken to heart. Use your journal as a method to ask and answer internal questions honestly.
Journaling through the loss of a loved oneDo you know someone who has lost a loved one? Journaling is an excellent tool to offer to them during the grieving period. They can record memories and thoughts as they experience a myriad of emotions through the process. The journal pictured left guide the user through the process of mourning and onward to a lasting sense of peace in the face of loss. Continue as often as you wish. Set your own pace. Some years I wrote in my journal every single day. Other years I would skip months before revisiting it. As long as you do not feel stress nor strain in doing it, you are on the best track. I think of it as treating myself to self reflection without judgement. I do hope you will feel that and more from your journey. It is totally up to you and should feel like you are writing the script to your life and choosing scenes to describe. We hope you will consider purchasing your first journal from Afriware Books, Co. Here is our complete Journals Category.
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